A tree planted for every product sold!
Why plant trees?
Carbon Capture
Natural forests capture CO2, acting as carbon sinks. Every year, forests and trees absorb the equivalent of 2 billion tonnes of CO2, roughly 1/3 of all CO2 released from the burning of fossil fuels.
Carbon Storage
Deforestation enhances climate change by releasing stores of CO2. Roughly 18% of global emissions comes from deforestation (5-10 GtCO2e) which is more than the world’s entire transport sector.

Forests support approximately 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. This ranges from small invertebrates to large mammals.
Trees also support large numbers of insect populations, with some trees such as Birch and willow supporting upwards of 300 species of insect.
Prevents Extinction
As many as 100 species a day could go extinct from the loss of closed tropical rainforests.